Leadership Councils


The Pastoral Council serves in an advisory role to the pastor and is responsible for visioning, pastoral planning and procedures of the parish. This council is required by Church law and is appointed by the pastor from those nominated by the parish and reviewed by the current pastoral council and parish staff. Selection is made with an effort at representing various contingents of the parish along with bringing needed skills to the council. The Pastoral Council meets monthly. Pastoral Council membership serves in rotating terms.

Current Members

Katherine SextonChair
Brian Christ
Jonathan Coleman
Hanna Cosgrove
Caroline Cronin
Guy Huntley
Molly Lynch Leonard
Matt Murer
Marco Oropeza
Justin Sorto
Maria Tukker

Meeting Time: First Tuesday of every month.


The Finance Council advises the pastor in matters of parish finances, budgets and financial planning. The council is engaged in the annual budget process and recommends the budget to the pastor. They track financial progress through the year, assure that Archdiocesan financial best practices are observed by the parish and sign off on the annual financial report to the Archdiocese. The Finance Council meets monthly. Members are appointed by the pastor and serve in rotating terms. 

Current Members

Frank ten BrinkChair
Kevin Farrell
Jim Fitzgerald
Linda Myers
Susan Nutson
Kyle O'Meara
Jason Samikkannu
Elizabeth Schuster
Bridget Stallkamp

Meeting Time: Third Tuesday of every month.


The Saint Clement School Board provides consultation and advice to the Pastor and Principal of Saint Clement School. The school board’s role is to support the mission of the school, assist the administration with project and programs as requested, evaluate and review policies, promote and facilitate communication among parents and the administration, and receive and evaluate feedback from various sources in conjunction with the Pastor and Principal. The school board shall consist of nine elected members who are either parishioners and/or parents of children at Saint Clement School. Elections for new members are held each spring and are appointed by the Pastor. Board members choose their leadership and committee responsibilities for the next year in June of the prior year.

Current Members: 2024-2025 school year

Ben Gilfillan Co-President
Nicki Nabasny Co-President
Jimmy Flaherty
Mary Grace Glascott
Chrissy Grainger
Jim Hoeg
Kristine Kobe
Hans Montgomery
Michelle Ramirez
Jason Trailov

Meeting Time: Second Tuesday of every month.


Our Young Adult Board consists of about ten young adult parishioners, led by two co-chairs. Each board member focuses on one of the five anchors at Saint Clement - Belong, Learn, Pray, Serve, and Share. The Board is excited to welcome you into this community within the Saint Clement parish family!

Current Members

Casey Welby

Gabby Biltz

Maria Perozzi

Small Groups
Justyna Przytula

Loraine Leung

Nathan Stenz

Michael McLean

Meeting Time: Second Sunday of every month.


Pastoral Council Open Nominations


Community Groups