Love Your Neighbor

Love Your Neighbor is a ministry created especially for our parish family. We strive to fulfill the spiritual and material needs of our community and foster a sense of family support. We invite all members of our community to join us in growing together as a parish family.


Pray by becoming a Minister of Care, taking the Eucharist to individuals, hospitals and nursing homes or receiving the Eucharist.


Nourish by cultivating a parish of solidarity and care by preparing and delivering meals to fellow parishioners or requesting a meal in a time of need.


Connect by engaging with existing parishioners through special parish events throughout the year (e.g. holiday brunches, poinsettia delivery, etc.) and welcoming our new members at Masses and other events..

To request support for you or someone you know, please submit a request card in the marked boxes in the church and chapel or complete one of the forms below.

Prayer Requests

If you or someone you know is in need of prayers, we invite you to please fill out this Prayer Request Form! You will have the option of informing us if you’d like the request to be confidential or shared publicly in The Plaza, our weekly e-newsletter.


Community Groups


Clement Navigators